Gejza Wimmer

Prof. RNDr. Gejza Wimmer, DrSc.

Curriculum Vitae | List of PublicationsMonographs | Textbooks | Articles | Conference abstracts

Curriculum Vitae

Education and Long Term Employment.

Visiting Posts

Academic Titles

Teaching Experience

Main Research Interests

Member of Editor Boards of the following journals


List of publications


  1. Wimmer, G., Štatistické metódy v pedagogike (Statistical methods in Pedagogics), GAUDEAMUS, Hradec Králové, 1993.
  2. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Thesaurus of univariate discrete probability distributions, STAMM, Essen, 865 p, 1999.
  3. Wimmer, G., Diskrétne jednorozmerné rozdelenia pravdepodobnosti (One dimensional discrete probability distributions), MATFYZPRESS, Praha, 125 p, 2000.
  4. Wimmer, G., Palenčár, R., Witkovský, V., Stochastické modely merania (Stochastical models in measurement, Grafické štúdio Ing. Peter Juriga, Bratislava, 115 p, 2001.
  5. Wimmer, G., Palenčár, R., Witkovský, V., Spracovanie a vyhodnotenie meraní (Processing and evaluation of measurements), VEDA, Bratislava, 2003-10-24
  6. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Hřebíček, L., Ondrejovič, S., Wimmerová, S., Úvod do analýzy textov (Introduction to text analysis), VEDA, Bratislava, 2003.


  1. Wimmer, G., Štatistika a pravdepodobnost' – Úvod do teórie pravdepodobnosti a matematickej štatistiky (Statistics and probability – An introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics), KPÚ Bratislava, 1979.
  2. Wimmer, G., Bioštatistika - Model s náhodnými efektmi (Biostatistics – Model with random effects), Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, 1999.
  3. Wimmer, G., Wimmerová, S., Teória pravdepodobnosti, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, 2007.


  1. Wimmer, G., Minimum mean square error estimation, Aplikace matematiky 24 (1979), 382-388.
  2. Wimmer, G., On the equivalence problem in linear regression models. Part I. BLUE of the mean value, Aplikace matematiky 25 (1980), 417-422.
  3. Wimmer, G., On the equivalence problem in linear regression models. Part II. Unbiased estimation of the covariance matrix scalar factor, Aplikace matematiky 25 (1980), 423-431.
  4. Wimmer, G., Estimation of random regression parameters, Biometrical Journal 22 (1980), 131-139.
  5. Kráľ, Á., Wimmer, G., Fonetika v Maďarskej ľudovej republike (Phonetics in Hungary), Jazykovedný časopis 36 (1985), 59-63.
  6. Kráľ, Á., Wimmer, G., Z problematiky automatického rozpoznania slovenčiny (On auto-matic speech recognition in Slovak), Jazykovedný časopis 36 (1985), 142-149.
  7. Dvončová, J., Nádvorníková, V., Wimmer, G., Hodnotenie dyslálie (Evaluation of dys-lalia), V: Logopedický zborník, Lišková, O. (editor), Východoslovenské vydavateľstvo, Košice 8 (1989), 233-241.
  8. Štvrtinová, V, Kolesár, J., Zvonár, J., Čabajová, Z., Wimmer, G., Papp,J., Vzťah smrtelnej embólie pľúc k náhlym zmenám počasia (Relation between mortal lung embolism and sudden weather changes), Praktický lekár 70 (1990), 47 - 50.
  9. Štvrtinová, V., Kolesár, J., Wimmer, G., Prevalence of varicose veins of the lower limbs in the women working at a department store, International Angiology 10 (1991), 2-5.
  10. Wimmer, G., Miscellaneous problems in linear regression models, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Statistik und Informatik 22 (1992), 135-144.
  11. Wimmer,G., Linear model with variances depending on the mean value, Mathematica Slovaca 42 (1992), 223-238.
  12. Wimmer, G., Uniformly best linear-quadratic estimator in a special structure of the regression model, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae LXI (1992), 243-250.
  13. Štvrtinová, V., Kolesár, J., Wimmer, G., Prevalence of varicose veins of the lower limbs in the women working at a department store, Phlebology Digest 4 (1992), 11-14.
  14. Wimmer,G., Estimation in a special structure of the linear model, Mathematica Slovaca 43 (1993), 221-264.
  15. Skákala, J., Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Thurzo, A., Grňo, L., Spurný, R., Technický predpis metrologický TPM 005-93: Stanovenie neistôt pri meraniach, 1.diel (Expression of uncertainty in measurement, Guidelines TPM 0051-93, part 1), Slovenský metronomický ústav, Bratislava, 1993.
  16. Skákala, J., Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Thurzo, A., Grňo, L., Spurný, R., Technický predpis metrologický TPM 005-93: Stanovenie neistôt pri meraniach, 2.diel (Expression of uncertainty in measurement, Guidelines TPM 0051-93, part 2), Slovenský metronomický ústav, Bratislava, 1993.
  17. Wimmer, G., Köhler, R., Grotjahn, R., Altmann, G., Towards a theory of world length distribution, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 1 (1994),98-106.
  18. Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Type A evaluation of uncertainty for some special cases of measurement, Journal of Electrical Engineering 45 (1994), 230-235.
  19. Wimmer, G., Linear-quadratic estimators in a special structure of the linear model, Applications of Mathematics 40 (1995), 81-106.
  20. Wimmer, G., Properly recorded estimate and confidence regions obtained by an approximate covariance operator in a special nonlinear model, Applications of Mathematics 40 (1995), 411-432.
  21. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Generalized Gegenbauer distribution revised, Sankhya Sr.B 57 (1995), 450-452.
  22. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., A model of morphological productivity, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 2 (1995), 212-216.
  23. Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Stanovenie neistôt pre niektore pripady merania (Determi-nation of uncertainties for some measurements), Strojnícky časopis 46 (1995), 21-31.
  24. Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Dicsöová, A., Brokes, V., Uncertainty in the calibration of a linear scale, Journal of Electrical Engineering 46 (1995), 352-356.
  25. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., The multiple Poisson distribution, its characteristics and a variety of forms, Biometrical Journal 38 (1996), 995-1011.
  26. Wimmer, G., Locally best linear-quadratic estimators, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac.rer.nat., Mathematica 35 (1996), 189-198.
  27. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., The theory of word length: Some results and generalizations, Glottometrika 15 (1996), 112-133.
  28. Altmann, G., Best, K.-H., Wimmer, G., Wortlänge in romanischen Sprachen, In: Semiotische Prozesse und natürliche Sprache, Gather, A.,Werner, H. (editors) (1997), Steiner, Stuttgart, 1-13.
  29. Wimmer, G., Wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische Verfahren in der Linguistik, Mitteilungen aus dem Schwerpunktbereich Methodenlehre, Freie Universität Berlin 47 (1997), 1-9.
  30. Wimmer, G., Covariance matrix elements estimation: Special linear model without and with repeated measurement, Mathematica Slovaca 47 (1997), 339-371.
  31. Wimmer, G., Wimmerová, S., Exaktnejšie formulácie zákonitostí v hudbe (More exact formulations of regularities in music), Metódy analýzy a interpretácie hudby z historického a systematického aspektu I. (Zborník, VŠMU, Bratislava) (1997), 75 - 84.
  32. Wimmer, G., Bad luck in quadratic improvement of the linear estimator in a special linear model, Applications of Mathematics 43 (1998), 1-7.
  33. Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Neistoty merania pri modeloch priameho merania (Uncer- tainties in models of direct measurement), Strojné inžinierstvo (Zborník referátov z medzinárodnej konferencie, SjF STU v Bratislave) (1998), 541-544.
  34. Wimmer, G., Dva príspevky matematickej štatistiky (Two contributions in mathematical statistics), 30 rokov Slovenskej štatistickej a demografickej spoločnosti (Zborník), Chajdiak, J., Luha, J. (editori) (1998), SŠDS Bratislava, 43-45.
  35. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Models of rank frequency distributions in music, V: Proceedings of 4th International Conference Fuzzy Sets -Theory and Applications, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia, BUSEFAL 75 (1998), 80-90.
  36. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Review Article: On Vocabulary Richness, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 6 (1999), 1-9.
  37. Wimmer, G., Dedik, L., Michal, M., Mudríková, A.,Ďurišová, M., Numerical simulations of stochastic circulatory models, Bull. Math. Biol. 61(2) (1999), 365-377.
  38. Wimmer, G., Kalas, J., A characterization of the geometric distribution, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 17 (1999), 325-329.
  39. Wimmer, G., Šidlík, P., Altmann, G., A new model of rank-frequency distribution, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 6 (1999), 188-193.
  40. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Altmann, G., Modification of probability distributions applied to word length research, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 6 (1999), 257-268.
  41. Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Štatistické metódy určovania neistôt pri modeloch priameho merania (Statistical methods for uncertainties estimation in models of the direct measurement), Strojné inžinierstvo'99 (Zborník referátov z medzinárodnej konferencie, SjF TU v Bratislave) (1999), 495-498.
  42. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Šidlík, P., Matematické modelovanie niektorých zákonitostí (umeleckej) tvorby (Mathematical modelling of some regularities of art creation), Metódy analýzy a interpretácie hudby z historického a systematického aspektu II. (Zborník, VŠMU, Bratislava) (1999), 127-131.
  43. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Rozdelenie polysémie v maorijčine (Distribution of Polysemy in Maori), Pange Lingua; Genzor, J., Ondrejovič, S. (editors), Veda, Bratislava (1999), 17-25.
  44. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., On the generalization of the STER distribution applied to generalized hypergeometric parents, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 39 (2000), 215-247.
  45. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Duby, T., Proper rounding of the measurement results under normality assumptions, Measurement Science and Technology 11 (2000), 1659-1665.
  46. Potocký, R., Wimmer, G., História a perspektívy matematickej štatistiky na Slovensku (History and perspectives of mathematical statistics in Slovakia), Slovenská štatistika, súčasnost' a perspektívy, (Zborník), Chajdiak, J., Luha, J. (editors) (2000), SŠDS Bratislava, 29-33.
  47. Horníková, A., Wimmer, G., Palenčár, R., Konsenzné metódy pri medzilaboratórnzch porovnávaniach (Consensus methods in inter-laboratory comparisons), Forum Metricum Sloavcum, Zborník vedeckých prác, Chajdiak, J., Luha, J. (editors) (2000), SŠDS Bratislava, 11-18.
  48. Horníková, A., Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Mathematical models for interlaboratory comparisons, IMEKO 2000 - XVI IMEKO WORLD CONGRESS (Proceedings Volume XI, ISMCR'2000, Durakbasa, M., N., Afjehi-Sadat, A., Osanna, P., H. (editors) (2000), Austrian Society for Measurement and Automation, Vienna, 133-137.
  49. Horníková, A., Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Metódy vyhodnotenia medzilaboratórnych meraní (Inter-laboratory Comparison Methods), Strojné inžinierstvo 2000 (Zborník referátov z medzinárodnej konferencie, SjF STU v Bratislave (2000), 2-18 - 2-23.
  50. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., A new type of partial-sums distributions, Statistics and Probability Letters 52 (2001), 359-364.
  51. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Some statistical investigations concerning word classes, Glottometrics 1 (2001), 109-123.
  52. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Models of Rank-Frequency Distributions in Language and Music, Quantitative Linguistics, Text as a Linguistics Paradigm: Levels, Constituents, Constructs (Festschrift in honour of Luděk Hřebíček), Uhlířová L., Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Köhler, R. (editors) 60 (2001), 283-294.
  53. Wimmer, G., Witkovský V., On goodness-of-fit testing under small sample size, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 22 (2001), 67-77.
  54. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., On statistical models for consensus values, MEASUREMENT 2001 (Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Measurement, Frollo, I., Tyšler, M., Plačková A. (editors) (2001), Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 32-35.
  55. Dvurečenskij, A., Wimmer, G., Professor Lubomír Kubáček, Tatra Mountains mathematical Publications 24 (2001), 1-12.
  56. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Two hypotheses on synonymy, In: Lexicographica ´ 99, Ondrejovič, S., Považaj, M. (editors) (2001), VEDA, Bratislava, 218-225.
  57. Wimmer, G., Witkovský V., Proper rounding of the measurement results under the assumption of uniform distribution, Measurement Science Review 2 (2002), 1-7.
  58. Palenčár, r., Wimmer, G., Halaj M., Determination of the uncertainties and covariances in the calibration of the set of weights, Mesurement Science Review 2 (2002), 9-20.
  59. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Duby, T., Proper rounding of the measurement results under the assumption of triangular distribution, Measurement Science review 2 (2002), 21-31.
  60. Horníková, A., Wimmer, G., Palenčár, R., Štatistické prístupy vyhodnocovania skúšok spôsobilosti (medzilaboratórnych porovnávacích meraní) (Statistical approach to evaluation of reliability tests (interlaboratory comparisons)), In: XVIII. Zhromaždenie KZ SR (Zborník prednášok), Kalibračné združenie SR a České kalibrační sdružení, Banská Bystrica, (2002), 2-5.
  61. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Between group variance component interval estimation for the unbalanced heteroscedastic one-way random effects model, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 73(5) (2003), 333-346.
  62. Savin, A., Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., On Kenward-Roger confidence interval for common mean in interlaboratory trials, Measurement 2003. Proceedings of the 4-th International Conference on Measurement, Smolenice, June 15-19, 2003, Frollo, I., Tyšler, M., Plačková, A. (Editors), Institute of Meassurement Science SAS, Bratislava, (2003), 79-82.
  63. Wimmer, G., Štatistika – študijný odbor (Statistics – study specialization), Slávnostná konferencia k 35. rokom Slovenskej štatistickej a demografickej spoločnosti (Zborník vedeckých prác), Chajdiak, J., Luha, J. (Editors), SŠDS, Bratislava, (2003), 48-55.
  64. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Consensus mean and interval estimators for the common mean, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 26, (2003), 183-194.
  65. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., A Contribution to Calibration Problem, In: Science, Education and Society, International Scientific Conference, Žilina, Section 7, Ružičková, M., Hlavňová, A. (Chairpersons) (2003), 37-40.
  66. Wimmer, G., A Lawlike Hypothesis in Music, In: Science, Education and Society, International Scientific Conference, Žilina, Section 7, Růžičková, M., Hlavňová, A. (Chairpersons) (2003), 71-74.
  67. Uhlířová, L., Wimmer, G., A Contribution to Word Length Theory, In: Festschrift für Werner Lehfeldt zum 60. Geburtstag, Kempgen, S., Schweier, U., Berger, T., (editors) (2003), Verlag Otto Sagner, München, 524-530.
  68. Witkovský, V., Savin, A., Wimmer, G., On small sample inference for common mean in heteroscedastic one-way model, Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics 23 (2003), 123-145.
  69. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Between group variance component interval estimation for the unbalanced heteroscedastic one-way random effects model, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 73(5) (2003), 333-346.
  70. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Savin, A., Confidence region for parameters in replicated errors in variables model, In: COMPSTAT, Proceedings in Computational Statistics, 16th Symposium held in Prague, Antoch, J. (Editor) Physica Verlag (2004), 1987-1994.
  71. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Konfidenčné intervaly pre efekt ošetrenia v klinických pokusoch, (Confidence intervals for treatment effects in clinical trials), In: Antoch, J., Dohnal, G., (Eds.) ROBUST 2004, Proceedings, Praha, 427-434.
  72. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Unified Theory of some linguistics laws, Quantitative Linguistics, An International Handbook, Köhler, R., Altmann, G., Piotrowski, R., (Eds.) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2005, 791-807.
  73. Wimmer, G., The type-token relation, Quantitative Linguistics, An International Handbook, Köhler, R., Altmann, G., Piotrowski, R., (Eds.) Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2005, 361-368.
  74. Wimmer, G., Wimmerová, S., Ein musikalisches Randordnungsgesätz, In: Begabtenförderung im MINT Bereich, Vol. 11 (2005), 107-120.
  75. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Towards a unified derivation of some linguistic laws, Contributions to the Science of Language, Word Length Studies and Related Issues, Grzybek, P., (ed.) (2006), Springer, 329-337.
  76. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Scheffé-type Confidence Region for the Calibration Line, Austrian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 35 (2006), Number 2&3, 397-406.
  77. Wimmer, G., Niektoré matematicko-štatistické modely kalibrácie (Some mathematical-statistical calibration models), In: Antoch, J., (Editor) ROBUST 2006, Proceedings, Praha, 375-386.
  78. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Univariate linear calibration via replicated errors- in-variables model, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 77(3) (2007), 213-227.
  79. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Linear comparative calibration with correlated measurements, Kybernetika 43(4) (2007), 443-452.
  80. Witkovsky, V., Wimmer, G., The weighted mid-P confidence interval for the difference of independent binomial proportions, In: Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text (Dedicated to Gabriel Altmann on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday), Quantitative Linguistics 62, Grzybek, P., Köhler, R. (editors), (2007), Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 723-734.
  81. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Confidence Interval for Common Mean in Interlaboratory Comparisons with Systematic Laboratory Biases, Measurement Science Review 7 (6) (2007), 64-73.
  82. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Method for Evaluation of the Key Comparison Reference Value and its Expanded Uncertainty Based on Metrological Approach, In: Frollo, I., Maňka, J., Juráš, V., (Eds.) MEASUREMENT 2007, Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Measurement, Smolenice Castle, May 20-24, 2007, 26-29.
  83. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Key Comparison Reference Value and its Expanded Uncertainty under Normally, Uniformly and Triangularly Distributed Laboratory Biases, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 56th Session. Proceedings ISI 2007, Lisboa (CD ROM), August 22-29, 2007.
  84. Wimmer, G., Rozdelenie usporiadaných frekvencií výskytov entít v hudbe, In: Matematika a hudba 2006 (Zborník príspevkov z interdisciplinárneho seminára) Žabka, M., (editor), (2007), Katedra hudobnej vedy FF UK, Bratislava, 79-87.
  85. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Estimation of the Common Mean and Determination of the Comparison Reference Value, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 39 (2008), 53-60.
  86. Wimmer, G., Gabriel Altmann - bridge between linguistics and mathematics, Glottotheory 1(1) (2008), 85-98 (ADFB), ISSN 1337-7892.
  87. Arendacka, B., Schwarz, K., Štolc, S., Jr., Wimmer, G., Witkovsky, V., Variability issues in determining the concentration of isoprene in human breath by PTR-MS, J. Breath Res. IOP Publishing Limited, Bristol, England 2(3) (2008), 037007 (8pp).
  88. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Konfidenčné intervaly založené na digitalizovaných meraniach, In: Antoch, J., Dohnal, G., (Eds.) ROBUST 2008, Sborník prací 15. letní školy JČMF ROBUST 2008 uspořádané Jednotou českých matematiků a fyziků za podpory CQR, ČStS, KPMS MFF UK a ÚM SAV ve dnech 8.-12. září 2008 v Pribylině (SK), 513-531.
  89. Wimmer, G., Matematické modelovanie v jazykovede (Mathematical Modelling in Linguistics), Informačni Bulletin Česke statisticke společnosti, 19(2) (2008), 1-17.
  90. Wimmer, G., Karovič,K., Determining the Confidence Interval for the Center and Width of a Structure in Fitting Measured Data by the Regression Line, In: Tyšler, M., Maňka, J., Witkovský, V., (Eds.) MEASUREMENT 2009, Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Measurement, Smolenice Castle, May 20-23, 2009, 45-48.
  91. Wimmer, G., Karovič, K., Interval Estimators of the Centre and Width of a Two-Dimensional Microstructure, Measurement Science Review 9 (4) (2009), 90-92.
  92. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Interval Estimation of the Mean of a Normal Distribution Based on Quantized Observations, Mathematica Slovaca 59 (5) (2009), 627-645.
  93. Wimmer, G., Odhady a testy, Brana vedy otvorena; Raganová, J., Murín, M., Monoszová G. (editori), Fakulta prírodných vied UMB, Projekt APVV č. LPP-0028-06 Brána vedy otvorená, Banská Bystrica (2009), 5-10.
  94. Amann, A., Schwarz, K., Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Model Based Determination of Detection Limits for Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer (Invited paper), Measurement Science Review 10 (6) (2010), 180-188.
  95. Wimmer, G., Witkovsky, V., Note on a Calibration Problem: Selected Results and Extensions of Professor Kubáček’s Research, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 50 (2011), 121-128.
  96. Wimmer, G., Karovič, K., Witkovský, V., Köning, R., Confidence interval for the distance of two micro/nano structures and its applications in dimensional metrology, In: Tyšler, M., Maňka, J., Witkovský, V., (Eds.) MEASUREMENT 2011, Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Measurement, Smolenice Castle, April 27-30, 2011, 80-83.
  97. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Two Calibration Models, In: Proceedings of XX IMEKO World Congress, 9(Sun)-14(Fri) September 2012, BEXCO, Busan, Republic of Korea, Organized by KRISS.
  98. Köning, R., Karovič, K., Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Estimation the standard uncertainty contribution of the straight-line fit algorithm used to determine the position and the width of graduation line, Metrologia 49 (2012), 169-179.
  99. Wimmer, G., Mačutek, J., New Integrated View at Partial-sums Distributions, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 51 (2012), 183-190.
  100. Wimmer, G., Witkovsky, V., Two models for linear comparative calibration, International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering 3 (3) (2012), 179-184.
  101. Mačutek, J., Wimmer, G., Evaluating goodness-of-fit of discrete distribution models in quantitative linguistics, Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 20 (3) (2013), 227-240.
  102. Duby, T., Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Tail Probability Calculator by Characteristic Function Inversion, In: Maňka, J., Tyšler, M., Witkovský, V., Frollo, I. (Eds.) MEASUREMENT 2013, Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Measurement, Smolenice Castle, May 27-30, 2013, 19-22.
  103. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., New Procedure for Calculating the Uncertainty of One Output Quantity in Calibration Certificates, In: Maňka, J., Tyšler, M., Witkovský, V., Frollo, I. (Eds.) MEASUREMENT 2013, Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Measurement, Smolenice Castle, May 27-30, 2013.
  104. Mačutek, J., Wimmer, G., Alternative methods of goodness-of-fit evaluation applied to word length data, In: Studies in Quantitative Linguistics 13, Issues in Quantitative Linguistics 3 dedicated to Karl-Heinz Best on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Köhler, R., Altmann, G. (editors), ISBN 978-3-942303-12-5 (2013), RAM-Verlag, Lüdenscheid, 282-290.
  105. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Nový postup výpočtu neistoty výstupnej veličiny pre kalibračné certifikáty, Metrológia a skušobníctvo XVIII, (2013), 3-5.
  106. Mačutek, J., Wimmer, G., A measure of lexical text compactness, In: Empirical Approaches to Text and Language Analysis, dedicated to Luděk Hřebíček on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Altmann, G., Čech, R., Mačutek, J., Uhlířová, L. (editors), (2014), RAM-Verlag, Lüdenscheid, 132-139.
  107. Köning, R., Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Ellipse fitting by nonlinear constraints to demodulate quadrature homodyne interferometer signals and to determine the statistical uncertainty of the interferometric phase, Measurement Science and Technology 25 (2014), 115001 (11pp), doi:10.1088/0957- 0233/25/11/115001.
  108. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Duby, T., Logarithmic Lambert W × F random variables for the family of chi-squared distributions and their applications, Statistics and Probability Letters 96 (2015), 223-231.

Conference abstracts:

  1. Wimmer, G., Odhad náhodného vektorového parametra (Estimation of random vector parametr), PROBASTAT'76 Abstracts, Smolenice.
  2. Wimmer, G., Odhad σ2, ak kovariančná funkcia nepriamo meraného náhodného procesu Y je v tvare RY = σ2 H (Estimation of σ2 if the covariance function of indirect measured random process Y is in the form RY = σ2 H), PROBASTAT'77 Abstracts, Smolenice.
  3. Wimmer, G., Preverenie numerickej spol'ahlivosti a určenie robustnosti najlepšieho lineárneho odhadu v regresnom modeli (Checking of numerical reliability and robustness of the best linear estimator in regression model), PROBASTAT'78 Abstracts, Smolenice.
  4. Wimmer, G., Estimation of parameters in linear models of measurement, EMISCON'79, Reports, Brno, 50-52.
  5. Wimmer, G., Confidence region in the linearized regression model, PROBASTAT'91 Abstracts, Bratislava, 80-84.
  6. Wimmer, G., Špeciálny heteroskedastický model (A special heteroscedastic model), In: 6. Slovenská štatistická konferencia, Zborník (1992), Smolenice
  7. Wimmer, G., A comparison of two chronograms, (invited lecture), Biometri- sches Kolloquium Chronobiologie, abstrakt (1992), Wien.
  8. Wimmer, G., Expression of uncertainty in measurement. Guidelines TPM 0051- 93, (invited plenary lecture), International Workshop: Measurement'93, Smolenice (1993), 101.
  9. Wimmer, G., Locally best linear-quadratic estimators, ProbaStat'94 Abstracts, Bratislava.
  10. Wimmer, G., Diskrétne rozdelenia pravdepodobnosti a zákony jazykovedy (Discrete probability distributions and linguistic laws), In: Slovenské štatistické dni 1996, Zborník prednášok, MFF UK a SŠDS, Bratislava, 62-66.
  11. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Software zur Bildung von Gesetzeshypothesen, In: Õster- reichische Statistik-Tage 1996, Kurzfassung der Referate (abstrakt) (1996), Wien.
  12. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., An explorative method concerning word classes, (invited plenary lecture) In:QUALICO-97, Abstracts (1997), Helsinki, 166.
  13. Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Models of rank frequency distributions in music, In: Fourth international conference on fuzzy sets theory and its applications, Abstracts (1998), Liptovský Mikuláš, 30-31.
  14. Wimmer, G., Kalas, J., A characterization of the geometric distribution, ProbaStat '98 Abstracts, Bratislava, 30-31.
  15. Palenčár, R., Wimmer, G., Halaj, M., Estimation of uncertainties in calibration of the multi-component sensors, IMEKO 2000 - XVI IMEKOWORLD CON GRESS (Proceedings Volume I, IMEKO'2000, Durakbasa, M., N., Osanna, P., H., Afjehi-Sadat, A. (editors) (2000), Austrian Society for Measurement and Automation, Vienna, 321.
  16. Wimmer, G., Interlaboratory key comparisons and meta-analysis in clinical trials, In: Mezinárodní matematický workshop - Brno 2002, sborník příspěvkù (2002), ECON, Brno.
  17. Wimmer, G., Between group variance component interval estimation in interlaboratory comparisons, ProbaStat 2002 Abstracts, Bratislava, 39-40.
  18. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Consensus mean and its consonance intervals, ProbaStat 2002 Abstracts, Bratislava, 40.
  19. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Konfidenčné intervaly pre ošetrenia v klinických pokusoch, (Confidence intervals for treatment effects in clinical trials), 13. letní škola JČMF ROBUST 2004, 7.-11.VI.2004, školící středisko ČAV, Třešť, ČR. Abstrakty, 30.
  20. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Savin, A., Confidence region for parameters in replicated errors in variables model, In: COMPSTAT´04, Book of Abstracts, 16th Symposium of IASC on Computational Statistics, Prague, Czech Statistical Society (2004), 347.
  21. Bohdalová, M., Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Savin, A., Interval spoľahlivosti pre referenčnú hodnotu v medzilaboratórnych porovnávajúcich štúdiách, (Confidence interval for reference value in interlaboratory comparisons), In: SAS Fórum 2004, 8. ročník konferencie, SAS Institute, Inc., Bratislava, CD zborník.
  22. Wimmer, G., Niektoré matematicko-štatistické modely kalibrácie, (Some mathematical-statistical calibration models), Abstrakty, ROBUST 2006, 23.-27.II.2006, Lhota nad Rohanovem, 43-44.
  23. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Exact and approximate confidence intervals for the comparison reference value, ProbaStat 2006 Abstracts, Bratislava, 49.
  24. Wimmer, G., Professor Altmann – Bridge between Linguistics and Mathematics, Abstracts from International scientific conference on Modern Methods in Linguistics, October 23-24, 2006, Budmerice Castle, Slovakia, 10.
  25. Wimmer, G., Witkovsky, V., Digitized measurements, Abstracts, TIES 2007, 18th annual meeting of the International Environmetrics Society, August 16-20, 2007, Mikulov, 121.
  26. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Key Comparison Reference Value and its Expanded Uncertainty under Normally, Uniformly and Triangularly Distributed Laboratory Biases, 56th Session of The International Statistical Institute, August 22-29, 2007, Lisboa Portugal, ISI 2007 Book of Abstracts, 448.
  27. Wimmer, G., Približné konfidenčné intervaly pre meranú hodnotu v prípade digitalizovaných meraní, Abstrakty Robust’2008, 8.-12.IX.2008, Račková dolina, 52-53.
  28. Wimmer, G., Locally Best Linear-Quadratic Unbiased Estimators of the Covariance Matrix Elements in a Special Heteroscedastic Regression Model, 18th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics 2009, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, June 23-27, 2009, Witkovsky, V., Volaufova, J. (editors), Program and Abstracts, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 2009, 36.
  29. Köning, R., Karovič, K., Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Estimating the uncertainty of the straight line fit algorithm used to determine the position and the width of a graduation line, NanoScale 2010, 9th Seminar on Quantitative Microscopy (QM) and 5th Seminar on Nanoscale Calibration Standards and methods Dimensional and related measurements in the micro-and nanometre range, 2010.
  30. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G. jr., Continuation of Professor Kubáček’s Research Work: Some Miscellaneous Examples, ODAM 2011, Book of Abstracts, Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics, Olomouc, Czech Republic, January 26-28, 2011, Fišerová, E., Talašová, J., (Eds.) (Invited lecture).
  31. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Methodology for the Determination of the Detection Limits for the Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer Measurements, Abstract book, Breath Analysis Summit 2011, International Conference on Breath Research, 11-14 September 2011 Parma, Italy, (nuova editrice BERTI), 227.
  32. Wimmer, G., Mačutek, J., Partial-sums Distributions from a new Point of View, 6th International Conference on Mathematical Statistics honoring the 80th birthday of Professor Lubomir Kubaček, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, July 4-8, 2011, Harman, R., Somorčik, J., Witkovsky, V., (editors), Abstracts, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 2011, 41-42.
  33. Wimmer, G., Calibration, pozvana prenaška, 13. konferencia košickych matematikov, Herľany, 23.-24. marca 2012, Buša, J., Jendroľ, S., Schrötter, Š. (editori), Abstrakty 9-10.
  34. Mačutek, J., Wimmer, G., Altmann, G., Discrete Averaged Mixed Distributions, ODAM 2013, Book of Abstracts, Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics, Olomouc, Czech Republic, June 12-14, 2013, Fišerová, E., Netuka, H., Talašová, J., (Eds.), 38.
  35. Wimmer, G., Palenčár, R., Witkovský, V., New procedure for calibration uncertainty estimation in one temperature point and for continuous scale, Abstract Book, Symposium on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science, October 14-18, 2013, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 312.
  36. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Ďuriš, S., Methods and confidence intervals for reference value in interlaboratory comparisons for temperature, Abstract Book, Symposium on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science, October 14-18, 2013, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 127.
  37. Wimmer, G., Witkovský, V., A family of transformed Lambert W  Gamma random variables with applications, ROBUST 2014, Program a sbornik abstraktů, 19.ledna - 24.ledna, Jetřichovice, 24.
  38. Witkovský, V., Wimmer, G., Amann, A., Statistical methods for exhaled breath analysis based on linear mixed models, BREATH 2014, 8th International Conference on Breath Research & Cancer Diagnosis. Toru, Poland, July, 6-9, 2014, 2014 (invited talk).