Preprint Series - 2004

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1/2004 Battelli, Flaviano, Feckan, Michal:
From transverse heteroclinic cycles to transverse homoclinic orbits (January 19, 2004)
(for the preprint please write to the author)
2/2004 Pulmannova, S.:
On fuzzy hidden variables (March 12, 2004)
(for the preprint please write to the author)
3/2004 Pulmannova, S.:
A spectral theorem for $\sigma-MV$-algebras (March 30, 2004)
(for the preprint please write to the author)
4/2004 Pulmannova, S.:
Spectral theorem for $\sigma$-complete lattice effect algebras (May 21, 2004)
(for the preprint please write to the author)

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