Hyper Pseudo Effect Algebras

Definition: A partial binary hyper operation on A is a partial mapping from A×A into P(A)*, where P(A)* is the set of all non-empty subsets of A.

We say that A + B is defined, iff for any aA and bB is a + b defined. The outcome of A + B is then

a∈A,b∈B (a + b).

We say that A + a is defined, iff A + {a} is defined and A + a = u∈A (u + a).

We say that a + A is defined, iff {a} + A is defined and a + A = u∈A (a + u).

Definition: The set A equipped with partial hyper operation +, unary operations , ~ and constants 0, 1 is said to be a hyper pseudo effect algebra, if the following properties are satisfied:

  1. Operation + is partially associative, i.e. x + y is defined and (x + y) + z is defined, iff y + z is defined and x + (y + z) is defined and in such case (x + y) + z = x + (y + z).
  2. For any x∈A there are unique y∈A and z∈A such that 1 ∈ x + y and 1 ∈ z + x. (y is denoted as x and z as x~.)
  3. x + 0 and 0 + x are defined for any x in A.
  4. 1 + x is defined, iff x = 0; x + 1 is defined, iff x = 0.
  5. Relation ≤ defined as: (x≤y, iff x + y is defined) is reflexive and antisymmetric.
    Relation can be equivalently defined as (x≤y, iff y~ + x is defined).

If moreover ≤ is transitive, we say that A is a transitive hyper pseudo effect algebra..

Finite models

Case - parameters to hyper_pseudo_EA, where m.n is entered as m n (space separated).

# generated - models generated by hyper_pseudo_EA program

# of models - excluding isomorphic models by iso_hpea

n = 2

+ 0 1
0 {0} {1}
1 {1} -
+ 0 1
0 {0} {0, 1}
1 {1} -
+ 0 1
0 {0} {1}
1 {0, 1} -
+ 0 1
0 {0} {0, 1}
1 {0, 1} -


n = 3

Case # of models # generated
3.1 77

n = 4

Case # of models # generated
4.1 1 372 2 637
4.2 927 1 763
4.3 6 550

n = 5

Case # of models # generated
5.1 40 187 228 539
5.2 66 074 128 911
5.3 28 768 86 042
5.4 1 048 530
5.5 825 076
5.6 5 363 123
5.7 555 794

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