Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications

publishes original contributions in all fields of mathematical research, especially collections of papers on single topic.

In the case of your interest in publishing common volume on single topic, please contact the editors of the journal.

The journal is reviewed, abstracted and indexed in Zentralblatt MATH, Mathematical Reviews, Referativnyĭ Zhurnal Matematika, Current Contents (ISI, individually as books or proceedings  volumes), Web of Science and in ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI).

Journal Homepage Image

The following volumes are indexed in CC (Current Contents) database:

* Vol. 22: Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics
* Vol. 23: Harmonic Analysis and Tone Systems
* Vol. 25: TATRACRYPT'01
* Vol. 30: Quarter-Century of the Košice Branch of the Mathematical Institute
* Vol. 32: Number Theory
* Vol. 36: Graphs '04

ISSN 1210-3195