Cryptanalysis of a hash function based on isotopy of quasigroups
This paper deals with cryptanalysis of one hash function based on
isotopy of quasigroups [2], [3]. Our work enhances the paper [9], where the simply-
ed studied hash function, based only on the quasigroup of modular subtraction,
was successfully cryptanalysed. In this paper we show how to construct collisions,
2nd preimages, and also preimages for the full hash function from [2], [3].
isotopy of quasigroups [2], [3]. Our work enhances the paper [9], where the simply-
ed studied hash function, based only on the quasigroup of modular subtraction,
was successfully cryptanalysed. In this paper we show how to construct collisions,
2nd preimages, and also preimages for the full hash function from [2], [3].
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