On functions preserving products of certain classes of semimetric spaces

Mateusz Lichman, Piotr Nowakowski, Filip Turoboś


In the paper we continue the research of Bors\'{i}k and Dobo\v{s} on functions which allow us to introduce a metric to the product of metric spaces. In this paper we extend their scope on broader class of spaces which usually fail to satisfy the triangle inequality, albeit they tend to satisfy some weaker form of this axiom. In particular, we examine the behavior of functions preserving $b$-metric inequality. We provide analogues of the results of Bors\'{i}k and Dobo\v{s}, adjusted to the new, broader setting. The results we obtained are illustrated with multitude of examples. Furthermore, the connections of newly introduced families of functions with the ones already known from the literature are investigated.

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