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Chauhan, Harsh V.S., Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110007, India. (India)
Chauhan, Harsh Vardhan Singh, Department of Mathematics Chandigarh University Mohali, Punjab-140413 (India)
Chhatria, Gokula Nanda, Sambalpur University (India)
Chillali, Abdelhakim, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Taza, (Morocco)
Chillali, Abdelhakim, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University FP, LSI, Taza, (Morocco)
Choudhury, Binayak S, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah - 711103, West Bengal, India (India)


Iacò, M. R., University of Calabria (Italy)
Idir, Sadani, University of Mouloud Mammeri (Algeria)
Ivanova, Gertruda, Banacha 22, 90-238 Łódź Poland (Poland)
Ivanova, Gertruda, Institute of Mathematics Academia Pomeraniensis ul. Arciszewskiego 22d 76-200 Słupsk (Poland)
Ivanova, Gertruda, Pomeranian University in Słupsk Arciszewskiego 22 d, 76–200 Słupsk (Poland)
Ivanova, Gertruda, Academia Pomeraniensis ul. Arciszewskiego 22d 76-200 Słupsk (Poland)


Jaafar, Lamia (Saudi Arabia)
Jacobson, Jr., Michael J., University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, (Canada)
Jadlovska, Irena (Slovakia)
Janda, Jiří, Masaryk University Kotlářská 2 CZ-611 37 Brno Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
Janglajew, Klara R., University of Białystok Akademicka 2 Bialystok (Poland)
Janglajew, Klara R., Institute of Mathematics University of Bia\l ystok, Institute of Mathematics, Bia\l ystok, Poland (Poland)
Janková, Katarina, Mlynská dolina 842 48, Bratislava Slovakia (Slovakia)
Jansen, Cees J.A., Riebeeckstraat, 10 5684ej Best, (Netherlands)
Jánský, Jiří, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Brno Univerzity of Technology Technická 2848/8 CZ 616 00 Brno (Czech Republic)
Jaradat, Malik, The international School of Choueifat (MHS-AlDaid) (Jordan)
Jarušek, Jiří, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, (Czech Republic)
Jarušek, Jiří, CAS (Czech Republic)
Jastrzębska, Małgorzata, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities ul. Konarskiego 2 08-110 Siedlce (Poland)

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