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Issue Title
Vol 52 (2012): Real Functions '11 Riemann Derangement Theorem, Multifunctions, Generalized Continuities, Vector Measures and Functions Maximus of internally quasi-continuous functions Abstract   PDF
Mariola Marciniak, Paulina Szczuka
Vol 49 (2011): Real Functions '10 Measures, Topology, Integration, Bernstein Approximation Measures and idempotents in the non-commutative situation Abstract   PDF
Reinhard Börger
Vol 60 (2014): Cryptology' 14 Method for security estimation of SPN-based block cipher against related-key attacks Abstract   PDF
Dmytro Kaidalov, Roman Oliynykov, Oleksandr Kazymyrov
Vol 45 (2010): NILCRYPT '10 Methods to solve algebraic equations in cryptanalysis Abstract   PDF
Igor Semaev, Michal Mikuš
Vol 82 (2022): Number Theory and Cryptology '22 METRICS ON N AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF SEQUENCES Abstract
Milan Paštéka
Vol 58 (2014): Real Functions '13 — Real Functions, Topology, Real and Functional Analysis, Locally Convex Spaces Microscopic sets with respect to sequences of functions Abstract   PDF
Grażyna Horbaczewska
Vol 43 (2009): Differential and Difference Equations and Applications '08 Mixed problem for degenerate nonlinear ultraparabolic equation Abstract   PDF
Nataliya Protsakh
Vol 66 (2016): Applied Mathematics Mixture and Non-Mixture Cure fraction Models based on Generalized Gompertz Distribution under Bayesian approach Abstract
Prafulla Kumar Swain, Gurprit Grover, Komal Goel
Vol 54 (2013): Differential and Difference Equations '2012 Model of stabilizing of the interest rate on deposits banking system using by moment equations Abstract   PDF
Irada Dzhalladova, Mária Michalková, Miroslava Růžičková
Vol 52 (2012): Real Functions '11 Riemann Derangement Theorem, Multifunctions, Generalized Continuities, Vector Measures and Functions Modes of continuity involving almost and ideal convergence Abstract   PDF
Antonio Boccuto, Xenofon Dimitriou, Nikolas Papanastassiou
Vol 84 (2023): Progress in Dynamics Equations '22 Modifications of the Samuelson economic cycle model Abstract
Paulina Naumowicz, Miroslava Růžičková
Vol 81 (2022): Real Functions, Dynamical Systems and Applications Modulus of smoothness and K-functionals constructed by generalized Laguerre-Bessel operator Abstract
Larbi Rakhimi, Radouan Daher
Vol 61 (2014): Applied Mathematics '14 Moments of Markov-switching models Abstract   PDF
Anna Petričková
Vol 67 (2016): Number theory and Cryptology '16 MRHS equation systems that can be solved in polynomial time Abstract   PDF
Pavol Zajac
Vol 69 (2017): Applied Mathematics 2017 Multidimensional copula models for parallel development of the US bond market indices Abstract   PDF
Jozef Komorník, Magdaléna Komorníková, Tomáš Bacigál, Cuong Nguyen
Vol 85, No 3 (2023): Real Functions'22 Multipliers of vector valued McShane integrable functions in locally convex space Abstract
Savita Bhatnagar
Real Function and Algebra NEARLY $\mu$-LINDELOFNESS VIA HEREDITARY CLASS Abstract
Ahmad Badarneh, Zuhier Altawallbeh, Ibrahim Jawarneh, Emad Az-Zo'bi, Maysoon Qousini
Vol 75 (2020): Applied Mathematics '19 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of second-order half-linear delay differential equations Abstract   PDF
Shyam Sundar Santra
Vol 76 (2020): Real Functions, Dynamical Systems and their Applications Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for oscillation to Second-order Neutral Differential Equations with Impulses Abstract   PDF
Shyam Sundar Santra
Vol 75 (2020): Applied Mathematics '19 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillatory and asymptotic behaviour of solutions to second-order nonlinear neutral differential equations with several delays Abstract   PDF
Shyam Sundar Santra
Vol 51 (2012): Probastat '11. Network-related problems in Optimal experimental design and second order Cone programming Abstract   PDF
Guillaume Sagnol
Vol 71 (2018): CDDEA '17 Networks describing dynamical systems Abstract   PDF
Eduard Brokan, Felix Sadyrbaev
Vol 71 (2018): CDDEA '17 Neutral difference system and its nonoscillatory solutions Abstract   PDF
Jana Pasáčková
Real Function and Algebra Neutrosophic fuzzy tribonacci I-lacunary statistical convergent sequence spaces Abstract
Vakeel A Khan, Ömer Kişi, Chiranjib Choudhury
Real Function and Algebra New fixed point theorems on complete $b$-metric space by using Rus contraction mapping Abstract
226 - 250 of 534 Items << < 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 > >>