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Issue Title
Vol 66 (2016): Applied Mathematics Integration based on fusion functions Abstract
Ľubomíra Horanská, Alexandra Šipošová
Vol 54 (2013): Differential and Difference Equations '2012 Inverse problem for an ultraparabolic equation Abstract   PDF
Nataliya Protsakh
Vol 44 (2009): Real Functions '08 Functional Equations, Measures, Integration and Harmonic Analysis Inversion formulae for the integral transform on a locally compact zero-dimensional group Abstract   PDF
Francesco Tulone
Leila Benferhat, Omar Kihel, Jesse Larone, Rezki Ould Mohamed
Vol 72 (2018): Applied Mathematics Is differential evolution rotationally invariant? Abstract
H. Zámečníková, D. Einšpiglová, Radka Poláková, Petr Bujok
Vol 45 (2010): NILCRYPT '10 Isotopy of latin squares in cryptography Abstract   PDF
Otokar Grošek, Marek Sýs
Vol 74 (2019): Real Functons, Ideals, Measurable Functions, Functional Equations Ján Borsík (1955 -- 2019) Abstract   PDF
Roman Frič, Ľubica Holá
Vol 68 (2017): Real Functions '16 Joint continuity of separately continuous mappings with values in completely regular spaces Abstract   PDF
Volodymyr Maslyuchenko, Oksana Myronyk, Ol'ga Filipchuk
Vol 48 (2011): CDDEA '10, Differential and Difference Equations and Applications Kernel-resolvent relations for and integral equation Abstract   PDF
Theodore A. Burton
Vol 70 (2017): Number Theory and Cryptology 2017 Key exchange over particular algebraic closure ring Abstract
Mohammed Sahmoudi, Abdelhakim Chillali
Vol 50 (2011): Applied Mathematics and Informatics. K-narest neighbour kernel density estimation, the choice of optimal k Abstract   PDF
Jan Orava
Vol 58 (2014): Real Functions '13 — Real Functions, Topology, Real and Functional Analysis, Locally Convex Spaces Korous type inequalities for orthogonal polynomials in two variables Abstract   PDF
Branislav Ftorek, Pavol Orsansky
Vol 44 (2009): Real Functions '08 Functional Equations, Measures, Integration and Harmonic Analysis KURZWEIL-HENSTOCK TYPE INTEGRAL IN FOURIER ANALYSIS ON COMPACT ZERO-DIMENSIONAL GROUP Abstract   PDF
Valentin Skvortsov, Francesco Tulone
Vol 85, No 3 (2023): Real Functions'22 Laguerre-Bessel Transform and Generalized Lipschitz Classes Abstract
Larbi RAKHIMI, Abdelmajid KHADARI, Radouan Daher
Vol 65 (2016): Real Functions '15 - Measure Theory, Real Functions, General Topology Limit theorems for k-subadditive lattice group-valued capacities in the filter convergence setting Abstract   PDF
Antonio Boccuto, X. Dimitriou
Vol 50 (2011): Applied Mathematics and Informatics. Linear and differential cryptanalysis of~reduced-round~AES Abstract   PDF   PDF
Lucia Lacko-Bartošová
Vol 56 (2013): Number Theory 2012 Linear combinations of the classic Cantor set Abstract   PDF
Marta Pawlowicz
Vol 78 (2021): Real Functions '20 Local properties of entropy for finite family of functions Abstract
Ryszard Jerzy Pawlak
Vol 57 (2013): Cryptology 2013 Logarithmic signatures for abelian groups and their factorization Abstract   PDF
Pavol Svaba, Tran van Trung, Paul Wolf
Vol 57 (2013): Cryptology 2013 Low Data Complexity Differential-Algebraic Attack on Reduced Round DES Abstract   PDF
Arkadiusz Gąsecki
Vol 78 (2021): Real Functions '20 Łukasiewicz logic and the divisible extension of probability theory Abstract
Roman Frič
Vol 75 (2020): Applied Mathematics '19 Macrophage image segmentation by thresholding and subjective surface method Abstract   PDF
Seol Ah Park, Tamara Sipka, Zuzana Kriva, Martin Ambroz, Michal Kollár, Balázs Kósa, Mai Nguyen-Chi, Georges Lutfalla, Karol Mikula
Vol 49 (2011): Real Functions '10 Measures, Topology, Integration, Bernstein Approximation MARKOV TYPE POLYNOMIAL INEQUALITY FOR SOME GENERALIZED HERMITE WEIGHT Abstract   PDF
Branislav Ftorek, Mariana Marčoková
Vol 45 (2010): NILCRYPT '10 Mathematical model of physical RNGS based on coherent sampling Abstract   PDF
Florent Bernard, Viktor Fischer, Boyan Valtchanov
Vol 61 (2014): Applied Mathematics '14 Mathematics and Engineering Innovations Inspired by Nature Abstract   PDF
Rastislav Telgársky
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